Saturday, January 19, 2008


I have been tagged by Bakawali..

The Rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

List eight (8) random facts about myself:

1. My father moved a lot, we had been moving in and out 16 houses till he is retired now. We are well trained in packing things... maybe one day I will open a packing company... hehehhehe

2. I never think I will be a teacher but I am glad I am one. Frankly I was born in a school. I was born at SMK Rompin warden's house. My parents were wardens back then. Yupp my parents were ex-teachers so does all my sisters, my grandfather and 60% of my uncles, aunties and cousins. Maybe I was destined to be one.

3. I had my first crush when I was 5. He was my neighbor.

4. I just love the sea. Had the first taste of sea water since I was 6 months old and I keep coming back. It makes me at ease. Luckily my dive buddy soon to be my fiance also loves it. He has been planning to built a house by the sea one day.

5. From the three girls in the family, I had the most talent from my mum in sewing, handcrafts - knitting, cross stitch (etc) and cooking. But sadly I have my dad's inpatientness, where most of my stuff especially the handcrafts part needs 3-5 years to finish.. hehehehehehe... I took over my mum's duty as the 'hantaran' maker since I was 15. I just love cooking. Especially to the love ones. It is satisfying when I see happy faces eating. A therapy for me whenever I am under lots of pressure.

6. I prefer gadgets rather than gold. I prefer buying my camera stuffs, diving stuffs, books etc without feeling guilty on spending to much.

7. Time to time I like to play dress up. I am a plain girl (hehehehehe perasan...) very happy with my jeans, t-shirts and slippers. But sometime I just love to dress up with tonnes of make up and beautiful dresses. That makes my make up expire before I could finish it.

8. Sometimes I crave for food and experience morn
ing sickness when anyone close to me is pregnant. I did not realized it at first but when it comes something very uncomfortable to me then I know it. Once I know my sister or my cousins or my close friends are pregnant and it will stop. When other people had morning sickness once in 2 or 3 years I had it 4,5 times a year. My worst experience was when my sister was pregnant to Eussoffe. I puke nearly every morning and craved for weird things... Ermmm... Pelik huh??

The next victims will be:
1. Aneez
2. Ibah
3. Iskandar
4. Muzie
5. Marina

Also can not find 8 people laa....

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